Post Activity Evaluation by Kimberly Archuleta | Jun 6, 2020 | Uncategorized Information About Yourself This information is used to maintain records and issue credit to you. Your responses are kept confidential. Please enter the name and personal information that you want used in your certificate.Name* First Last Email address* Survey Questions As an integral part of your educational experience, please reflect upon the knowledge you have learned in this educational activity and demonstrate how you would apply that knowledge to practice in the following clinical vignette and questions below.Based on what you learned in this educational activity, please tell us one or two specific changes in your practice you are committed to making:*Was the content of this activity fair, balanced, and free of commercial bias?* Yes No Please explain:For our continuous improvement processes, please provide any feedback you can share on the following: (write in answers)Access to the activity:Quality of faculty/teaching effectiveness:Future topics we need to address:Other:NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.